Enact Change Remotely with Prepr’s ThinkLab™ Innovation Program

With many businesses limited to remote work right now, employee empowerment programs like volunteering programs are limited too. Corporate social responsibility teams must adapt volunteer programs to a remote environment, so that teams can continue to be empowered by their contribution to social good and continue to proactively learn and grow.

Now more than ever, in a time of rapid change, employee skills gaps, departmental silos, and a lack of innovation strategy are stunting organizational growth and success.

How can you overcome these internal challenges to future-proof your organization?


Join Prepr’s ThinkLab™ Program.

Empower your employees with a virtual volunteering program that engages them in challenges addressing real-world, current issues.
Develop a connected culture of innovation, lifelong learning, and agility within your organization.
Reward and recognize employees for growing their skills through completion of challenges with custom credentials and badges.

Explore the power of customized innovation challenges:

● Customize your virtual volunteering challenges to meet your organization’s mission, vision, and values.

● Foster lifelong learning, agility, and a growth mindset within your team, ensuring that your employees thrive in today’s remote workplace as well as the changing workplace of tomorrow.

● Break barriers and silos separating team members to promote cross-functional, interdisciplinary collaboration.

● Future-proof your talent through project-based opportunities that not only encourage hard and soft skills of the future, but also help out local and global communities.

● Collaborate to solve real issues, including challenges that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

● Connect and guide your employees through a transformative learning experience with Prepr’s PIE® Method, which nurtures project leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship through socially conscious challenges.

The ThinkLab™ portal. Your remote team empowerment and upskill engine.

Create open or closed work challenges of real-world social issues for your team to expand their skills. This opens a company pipeline for ongoing challenge-based collaboration and growth in project leadership and project management.

With your personalized ThinkLab™ portal, you can:

●Integrate into your current systems for Human Resources Information, Project Management Information, Learning Management, and Employee Rewards and Recognition.

●Customize your organization profile, vanity URL, and challenges to establish your brand’s individuality, as well as IP agreements at the challenge level, Single-Sign-On (SSO) features and more.

●Track ongoing project data online with an intuitive dashboard, allowing your team to demonstrate and track their virtual volunteering achievements and challenge-based learning experience.

●Award custom badges and rewards to employees to empower their regular participation, and provide employees with a PIE® credential to showcase their newly obtained, lifelong problem-solving toolkit.

ThinkLab™ Program
The Prepr ThinkLab™ Program includes:
The Prepr ThinkLab™ Program includes:
● Digital PIE® tools, including ThinkLab™ kits, tailored workshops, the PIE® book, and custom resource collections for your organization’s lab program, so that your team can become champions of socially conscious problem-solving
● Your personalized ThinkLab™ portal for virtual team volunteer challenges
● Ongoing support and engagement monitoring from the Prepr team
● Custom certifications, badges, and rewards for your organization’s challenges
… and a new team empowerment program that virtually engages your employees with social impact challenges, develops a culture of innovation, bridges gaps in cross-functional collaboration, and nurtures limitless potential for your team!

Key Benefits for Citizensahip Team

✓ Virtual Platform and Program to engage employees with social impact challenges despite remote work barriers

✓ Custom digital workshops, challenge kits and technology integrations such as SSO, HRIS and LTI, so your ThinkLab™ Program is tailored to suit your team’s needs

✓ Employees work on something relevant and meaningful to them, which empowers their work outside of volunteering and prepares them for organizational challenges in the workplace

✓ Foster inter-departmental teamwork and collaboration through cross-functional challenges and labs

… and more 

Discover more benefits in our datasheet