Future-Proof your Organization with Prepr’s ThinkLab™ Innovation Program

Organizations are not prepared for the future of work. The world is rapidly changing, and in this constant change, innovation teams must establish agile methods of streamlining the innovation process. Employee skills gaps and inter-departmental silos stunt organizational growth and success.

How can innovation leaders overcome these internal challenges to future-proof their organization?


Join Prepr’s ThinkLab™ Program.

Support a culture of innovation and learning agility within your team.
Reward and recognize employees for solving innovation challenges and participating in an equalized learning and growth opportunity.
Track projects from ideation to implementation and results.

Explore the power of customized innovation challenges:

● Customize Prepr’s ThinkLab™ Program to meet your team’s needs—your challenges can be open, closed, by invitation, personal to your brand, and flexible with custom rewards and permissions.

● Unlock your team’s infinite learning potential through real-world problem-solving challenges that invite employees to collaborate in an intuitive space.

● Foster R&D for increased growth and productivity within your organization by applying your team to an interdisciplinary approach to problems and solutions.

● Break organizational silos so that your team can accelerate its growth with tools like the ThinkLab™ Program’s open peer review process. This feature allows project ideas and feedback to be pushed out to different members of the large team, bridging the cross-functional gap between departments.

● Use Prepr’s PIE® Method to nurture a more ambitious growth mindset, a demonstrated passion for lifelong learning, and exceptional project management and leadership skills.

The ThinkLab™ portal. Your innovation team engine.

Create a consistent set of your brand’s open or closed work challenges on a customizable innovation platform to support change management and engagement. Setting up your personalized ThinkLab™ portal opens a pipeline for future team innovation and skill-building, as well as options to connect with talent applicants and to crowdsource innovative solutions for your projects.

With your personalized ThinkLab™ portal, you can:

●Integrate into your current Human Resources Information System, Project Management Information, Learning Management, and Employee Rewards and Recognition

●Customize your organization profile, vanity URL, and challenges to establish your brand’s individuality, as well as IP agreements at the challenge level, Single-Sign-On (SSO) features and more.

●Track ongoing innovation project data online with an intuitive dashboard, allowing team members to showcase and note their achievements along the way, and allowing you to monitor your team progress in a way that suits your team’s needs, vision, and values.

●Award custom badges and rewards to your team members to incentivize their successful collaboration in challenges without company financial loss.

ThinkLab™ Program
The Prepr ThinkLab™ Program includes:
The Prepr ThinkLab™ Program includes:
● Digital PIE® tools, including ThinkLab™ kits, tailored workshops, the PIE® book, and custom resource collections for your organization’s lab program, so that your team can become champions of problem-solving
● Your personalized ThinkLab™ portal
● Ongoing support and engagement monitoring from the Prepr team
● Custom certifications, badges, and rewards
… and a new innovation team program that connects and engages employees with real-world challenges, supports a company culture of innovation and agile learning, and nurtures limitless potential for your team!

Key benefits for innovation leaders

✓ Improving learning and team agility through structured challenges that support the organization’s values and vision as well as the team’s existing innovation processes

✓ Custom workshops, challenge kits and technology integrations such as SSO, HRIS and LTI so your ThinkLab™ Program is tailored to suit your organization’s needs

✓ Employees work on something relevant and interesting to them in a more dynamic and intuitive space

✓ Break down “silos” and foster inter-departmental teamwork and collaboration through cross-functional challenges and labs

.. and more

Discover more benefits in our datasheet