Who It's For

The future of work is changing rapidly and organizations are not keeping up. Are you?

Skills Problem

Companies are faced with increasing change, disruption, and market competition, and most of them have skills gaps, shortages or mismatches that may threaten their ability to face the future of work. More than often, this affects an organization’s service delivery, customers, and future growth.  Does your organization or department have a skills gap?

Organizational Issues

Innovation is quickly becoming a critical factor for an organization’s growth and success. Cultivating innovation in an organization should be a prioritized initiative but for most companies it is not. Most organizations are limited by internal challenges that hinder innovation. This can be a lack of collaboration, motivation and an overall innovation strategy.  Does this sound familiar?

ThinkLab.ai helps organizations unlock human potential and solve business challenges​

For HR Leaders

Mining collective knowledge of stakeholders and employees inside and outside of an organization is no trivial task. This is particularly true for bigger organizations who tend to have “silos”. There needs to be a structured process that engages contributors and optimizes how ideas are collected, refined, and implemented.

Major companies worldwide are increasingly searching for purpose-built solutions to manage learning and innovation initiatives. ThinkLab.ai helps organizations reach this enormous potential by collecting insightful ideas, incubating them, and seeing them through to implementation.

For Innovation Champions

Are you the innovation champion for your organization? ThinkLab.ai empowers Innovation Management to unlock innovation and foster communication and collaboration.

The best leaders know that innovation must come from multiple sources, both internally and externally. When people and their different points of view and experiences converge, they create the types of innovations that individuals could not have done or found alone. ThinkLab.ai is ideal for unharnessing unlocked potential within companies and attracting top talent from outside.

For Citizenship Teams

With many businesses limited to remote work right now, employee empowerment programs like volunteering programs are limited too. Corporate social responsibility teams must adapt volunteer programs to a remote environment, so that teams can continue to be empowered by their contribution to social good and continue to proactively learn and grow.

Now more than ever, in a time of rapid change, employee skills gaps, departmental silos, and a lack of innovation strategy are stunting organizational growth and success.

How can you overcome these internal challenges to future-proof your organization?

For Upskilling Your Teams

The ThinkLab™ portal. Your talent upskill and reskill engine. 

Create open or closed work challenges for your employees and candidates to showcase their skills. This opens a company pipeline for ongoing challenge-based collaboration and growth.

For Partners

Are you an Association, Events Organization, Consulting Firm or Technology Provider? Organizations and Associations around the globe are increasingly searching for purpose-built solutions to manage learning and innovation initiatives and to upskill their teams.

Leverage the ThinkLab.ai technology to extend best-in-class service and unmatched value to your clients.  You’ll be the hero by helping your clients reach their hidden potential and become empowered to collect insightful ideas, incubate them, and see them through to implementation.

Innovation Assessment
What's your Organization's Innovation Score?
What's your Organization's Innovation Score?
Take the Assessment Now